Thursday, August 03, 2006


After being counseled by several people who convinced me that staying at Xavier was not the way to learn Chuukese – that I had to spend time with people in an environment where I was forced to listen and speak, I heeded their advice and opted to venture beyond these cozy walls. Antonia, our secretary, my tutor, and perhaps one of the most patient ladies I know arranged so that I could stay with one of her relatives for two weeks on the island of Uman – about a 45 min boat ride from the main island Weno. Antonia, three of her daughters, and a few of us who have been staying here at Xavier for the summer went out and stayed for the weekend. Mama Lucy and Papa Alex put all of us up in their ocean front home located literally on the water such that you look down out of the back windows and there is the Pacific ocean beneath you. As my English speaking lifelines sailed away that Sunday afternoon, I looked down and felt like the land had been swept out from under me and I was just trying to stay afloat.

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