Tuesday, May 16, 2006


468 exam essays graded. 180 days (questionable) completed successfully (questionable). 148 students. 35 seniors walking. 4 days till graduation…and counting.

School is nearly out for the summer and even though Chuukese time would suggest life things becoming even more relaxed than they already are, Xavier has become even more chaotic in the past few days. To occupy the idle time no longer spent in classes, Fr. Arthur has contracted the students to decorate, clean, move chairs, construct the stage, and make final preparation for the upcoming events. Parents have slowly been arriving on island just in time for the cultural day celebrations which begin tomorrow. Grass skirts, coconut bras, thus (loin cloths) and local handicrafts are arriving in boxfuls. Even as I write this, three ladies sit next to me creating flyers essentially inviting the entire island of Weno to join in the festivities tomorrow! While I could sit for hours and write about my expectations for the splendor of what is to come……..I think I must save that for an entry all of its own…

Aside from all of commotion up here at Xavier, I’ve been privileged with the opportunity to assistant coach the Chuuk State Track and Field team slated to make their appearance at the Micro Games in Saipan in late June!!!! Of course the job presents its challenges as most of the athletes do not speak English, but sweating together, busting ass, running – all transcend the language barrier. Even so, it’s still frustrating at times wanting to say SOO much – to coach, to teach, to learn – to ask how much it hurts when running 7 miles on gravel and coral – barefoot, to challenge them when they slack off, to listen when they complain of standard aches – all of which culminates in “Fokkun och” (very good).

But every day, even if only a little at a time, I get to vicariously live out a little bit of my passion though them - especially in those focused moments, running side by side with a tiny 26 year old Micronesian named Puna. A car pulls up beside us and in Chuukese, from what I understand, asks “Who is that freakshow (ad-libbed) running with you!?” And slightly fatigued he responds with a simple “sensé.”

Unfortunately, as hard as the athletes are working, we are still uncertain as to whether they will be allowed to participate. It seems as though the Chuuk recreation Office, who originally guaranteed assistance in sending athletes to Saipan, cannot make good on their promise and the team needs to seek alternative means of getting to Saipan. The athletes, as of right now, show up everyday and work their faces off unaware of the possibility that they may never get to exhibition their hard work. Hopefully in the next few days we should find out whether or not the trip will be a go!!!

If you might be interested in helping financially, if you have any fundraising ideas, if you have any suggestions, if you have any connections that might help us get these athletes to Saipan, PLEASE PLEASE contact me. Your support and your creativity is GREATLY appreciated.

My Contact Info:

just put jtrunce(or any variation) in the subject line!!

Or if you write within the next two few weeks -hit me up at jtruncellito1@loyola.edu because we are headed to Majuro in just a few hours!!!!!

Thank you for your continued love and encouragement. If you are graduating, transitioning or maintaining your daily routine in the upcoming weeks I pray that the Lord is with you through every moment of it.

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